tigat 88

tigat 88 architectures renovations interior design facilities

We are a multidisciplinary architecture studio based in Barcelona. We are supported by an extensive career both in ground-up construction and renovation in projects of all kinds, ranging from hotels and sports buldings to housing, public service buildings, industry…

We take a comprehensive approach on our projects, starting with planning and urban integration all the way down to interior design. Our team is trained and expertised in order to satisfy every demand in the project, and we are firm supporters of BIM design methods, by which we attain a higher degree of precision and interoperability among the multiple agents present thorough the project.

Oriol Cugat Canals

Architect by the Barcelona Architecture School (ETSAB). 1987
Member of the Spanish Architecture Association number 16354/6
Foreman by the Barcelona Technical Architecture School (EPSEB). 1981

With nearly 30 years of expertise in the field, Oriol Cugat has collected numerous awards, publications and built work in multiple branches in the Architecture field. Some of his oustanding work includes the foundation and direction, along his colleague Joan Artés Pérez, of the studio known as “La Casa Por El Tejado”, which specialized in building steel-frame vertical extensions on multiple renowned buildings in Barcelona.

Starting in 2019, he has co-directed his new studio, Tigat88, along Eulàlia Martí.

Eulàlia Martí Rifé

Interior Designer by the International School of Decorators (DIAC), Barcelona. 1983
Interior Designer by the LLOTJA School, Barcelona. 1985.

Eulàlia Martí has devoted her entire career to interiorism, with a wide variety of works  mostly done for private individuals and small businesses. Her main field of experience includes office housing and architecture. Since her association with La Casa Por El Tejado, she has been responsible for the interior design in the projects undertaken by LCT and Tesgat. Her great experience in the sector has provided her with a large portfolio of suppliers, technicians and installers with whom she successfully develops interior design to the last detail.

Starting in 2019, she has co-directed her new studio, Tigat88, along Oriol Cugat.